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Auschwitz concentration camp Auschwitz Birkenau
Travel and Tour Planning for
Auschwitz Concentration Camp


Preparing for and planning a trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp comes with myriad travel options and a range of emotions for most travelers. I hope to ease this process by posting helpful information to help you plan your travel and prepare you for the experience.


Each visitor to Auschwitz processes the experience in their own way; I am but one, humble perspective and I encourage you to use multiple sources to plan your travel and tours. 


Why did I go? I went to Auschwitz to deepen my education and awareness, to observe and internalize decades of personal research limited to books, interviews, documentaries, and movies, to bear witness, and to pray for the deceased, the survivors and their families.

How to Use This Site

The posts you see below are a collection of the most recent articles I've posted throughout the site. As I post new content, these articles automatically show up in the "recent posts" feed below. They include a broad range of topics from education, travel and tour planning, short biographies, book/movie reviews, and articles about the Holocaust and World War II history.


If you want a story-like experience, the posts are also grouped into collections: Auschwitz, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Heroes & Villains, Blog, and Travel Research. You will find travel and tour advice across all topics, but a collection of articles specifically on travel, movies, books, and other resources can be found in the Travel Research section.

Why Travel to the Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Tragically, global anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial sentiment are on the rise. We must remind ourselves and our global community that Auschwitz represents a horrific chapter in humanity's history. It is one thing to read about Auschwitz or the Holocaust, or see it on our devices or movie screens. It is another to experience Auschwitz in-person.

After my trip to Auschwitz, even after 30 years as a writer, I cannot find an adjective, nor a group of them, that adequately describes the wickedly evil, criminal barbarism that once thrived within the Nazis' poisonous black web of death camps. As global citizens, we must be vigilant and ensure such atrocities never happen again.

Touring Auschwitz provided me with a life-enriching experience; I hope the details in my posts persuade you to go. If you have travel or tour planning questions, please contact me by filling out the form at the bottom of the page (please use the comments section).​ Thank you for visiting my blog; safe travels  - Jamie

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James Flerlage

Agradecergracias por visitar mi blog de viajes sobre el Museo y Memorial de Auschwitz y otros sitios relacionados con el Holocausto. Si elige suscribirse a mi blog, lo contactaré de 4 a 6 veces al año para ofrecerle consejos de viaje e información que no encontrará en el blog. Únase a mi lista de correo utilizando el formulario. Gracias de nuevo por visitarnos; viajes seguros.  - Jaime

Investigador incansable, aclamado autor y aprendiz de por vida, James Flerlage Auschwitz y los estudios sobre el Holocausto comenzaron en 1989. Él y su esposa Kristine son padres orgullosos de  dos hijas; viven en Cincinnati, OH. 

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